2 days  travel itinerary for  Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen, Denmark’s capital city, is a bustling and cosmopolitan destination

In this 2 days travel itinerary for Copenhagen, we will visit the must-see attractions, eat delicious Danish food, and soak up the unique ambiance of this captivating city.

In this 2 days travel itinerary for Copenhagen, we will visit the must-see attractions, eat delicious Danish food, and soak up the unique ambiance of this captivating city.

Day 1,  Morning

1. Visit Nyhavn, Copenhagen’s famed waterfront district. 2. Breakfast at one of Nyhavn’s beautiful cafes or bakeries.  Danish sweets to try include kanelsnegle and  wienerbrd 

Day 1,  Afternoon

1. Visit Tivoli Gardens, one of the world’s oldest amusement parks, It's a good place for lunch as well 2. Try some Danish favourites, such as smrrebrd and Danish hot dogs.

Day 1,  Evening

1. See the Christiansborg Palace. visit royal reception halls, Chapel, and Stables. 2. Climb the tower of  Palace for panoramic views. 3. Dinner at a restaurant in the posh Vesterbro

Day 2,  Morning

1. visit to Little Mermaid monument and walk along the waterfront promenade 2. Explore Rosenborg Castle and its lovely gardens. enjoy a picnic lunch in Rosenborg Castle’s gardens.

Day 2,  Afternoon

1. Explore National Museum of Denmark. see Viking Age displays,   2. Visit the Latin Quarter‘s lovely shops, boutiques, and cafes 3. visit Christiania‘s alternative neighbourhood 

Day 3,  Evening

1. Explore the colourful Nrrebro district and discover its cosmopolitan vibe, 2. Dinner in one of Nrrebro’s popular restaurants or street food from local food markets.

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