United States

Updated, Feb 2023

United States of America is the third largest country in the world. It is one of the most diverse country by nature and people. High rise buildings of mega city New York on east coast Atlantic to Hollywood lands in Las Angeles, California in the west are top travel attractions. There are deserts and canyons, forests and mountains, Volcano in Hawaii and Glaciers in Alaska. List is endless to explore in States.

Las Vegas, located in Nevada, is known for its vibrant nightlife and stunning casinos, with many attractions and entertainment options that can be enjoyed by visitors.

Los Angeles, located in southern California, is famous for its film industry and celebrity culture, with many cultural events and historic landmarks that can be explored and appreciated by visitors.

New York City, the largest city in the United States, is known for its bustling cityscape and rich cultural heritage, with many museums and historic landmarks that can be visited and appreciated by tourists.

Washington DC, the capital of the United States, is famous for its rich political history and stunning architecture, with many historic landmarks and museums that can be explored and appreciated by visitors.

Things to See and Do

Into Alaska: Unique wilderness and surreal landscape, makes Alaska an ultimate adventure package. Alaska is mostly frozen and snow covered half of the year. Denali national park is home to highest peak of North America, Mt. Denali. There are many cruise tour to nearby Glaciers and whale watching. you can also try to reach one of the north most town in the world, Utqiaġvik (formerly known as Barrow), although it’s going to be little expensive. while walking alone on any trail, beware of Grizzlies.  

Sunny Coasts of California:

Grand Canyon:

Explore the New York City 

Great Lakes:

Texas is Big:

Appalachian Mountains – the longest trail:

Mt. Rushmore – meet the Presidents:

Coast to Coast drive:

Florida – Miami, Everglades and Keys